The Althea Tarot Approach

Every tarot reader does things a little differently. Here’s why I read cards the way I do — and how you can make the most of your reading.

Can you tell my fortune? Nope. I don’t think anyone can truly predict your future. To me, tarot does something much more intense: It reveals our innermost thoughts and feelings.

What would I get out of a reading, then? When you’re able to connect with what you truly want to do, everything begins to fall in line. I find that most of the time, when we search for assurances about what will or will not happen, it’s because we feel powerless or out of control. You create a clear path forward when you recognize your fears and wishes.

How does that work? Let’s say you want insights into a new love. Instead of using tarot to make guesses about how this person feels about you, we’ll reframe the question: How are you feeling about the relationship? Are you really getting what you need? What fears, emotions, hopes are coming to the surface for you? Ultimately, you can’t really know what someone else is thinking or what they will do next. You’re constantly in the process of directing the movie of your own life. How do you want the next scene to play out?

How does tarot help you do that? The tarot uses archetypes that anyone, anywhere can relate to. We all understand the naive, youthful feeling of stepping into the future like The Fool. We intuitively grasp the stern, fatherly energy of The Emperor. We’ve felt closure and completeness, like The World. Tarot resonates because it’s a pictoral and symbolic depiction of the human experience.

Why do you write out your tarot readings? Words and connections come more easily to me when I write. I find the cards reveal a bit more when I sit with them for a bit, so I like to take my time. The cards are full of symbolism and there are always layers to unpack.

Your tarot form asks for details about my situation. Do I have to give them to you? No, you don’t, but I hope you do! Here’s why: I’m not psychic (as much as I would love that superpower). I can’t tell what you’re thinking.

It’s a bit like going to the doctor — she can’t treat you unless you tell her your symptoms. This is a collaborative process, and we’re going to work together.

Do I have to have a specific question in mind when I book a reading? Not really — a general overview is just fine. For example, “I’m trying to figure out how to balance work and life,” or “I’m feeling unhappy in my relationship and I don’t know why” would work.

How did you get started in tarot? I got my first deck of cards when I was in high school, but I didn’t really take my practice very seriously until I got into my 30s. I began to understand tarot as an empowering tool rather than a predictive one.

What deck do you use? I have many beautiful decks, but for the past few years I’ve been primarily working with the OG Rider-Waite-Smith deck.

What if I have other questions? Hit me up! Just fill in the contact form and I’ll get back to you.